Classes and Events with Eve Decker - Early 2025
Meeting ID: 864 5787 9093
Queer Sangha - First and Third Mondays 6:30-8pm PT, beginning February 3. Online, and in person in Oakland.
New! An affiliate of the Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley.Co-led by Eve Decker and Ray Grimsinger. For further information visit
Spring Family Day - Sunday April 13, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre CA
With Eve Decker and Kate Munding. Information and registration HERE.
PODCAST – LOVED: Mindful and Musical Perspectives on Daily Life. Fifteen minute podcast - short talk followed by song. Please Subscribe, Follow, and Leave a Review! Click here for all episodes.
"Eve’s voice singing the Dharma… reached me deeper than words have ever been able to reach. The energy I felt was a connectedness to all things. Compassion and letting go resonated deeply though my body... By adding her musical abilities to her toolkit of experience Eve Decker is an insightful Buddhist teacher and talented artist."
– Janet Etter, Victoria Insight Center, Canada
"Eve’s songs are often just what I need to remind myself of the truth inside. They’ve been a big part of my daily life practice to inspire and open my heart. I love Eve Decker’s music!"
– James Baraz, founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, creator of the Awakening Joy course and author of “Awakening Joy.”